Saturday, October 24, 2020

Robotics Competition - 1st Prize in Bionics Category in Chrysalis Inter-school - Aug 2019

Robotics Competition - 1st Prize in Bionics Category in Chrysalis Inter-school - Aug 2019

Getting award from Chrysalis High 


At the event

Kids giving great feedback during the event

Working Models

Build Your City - First place (Thanks to Stem Works)

 Build Your City - First place (Thanks to Stem Works)

Friday, September 11, 2020

Nature Art - Selected @ Young World Hindu

Participated in drawing competition @ Young World Hindu and my drawing is selected. Thanks Young World Hindu for selecting my drawing. 

BBC Earth Competition

Recently participated in the BBC Earth competition ( Happy to share that I received Mug (Feel Alive written on it) and Diary made out of recycled paper from BBC Earth as part of the competition.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

DIY Piston Pump

 DIY Piston Pump (with help from Thinktac)

Things required for Piston Pump

Explanation of Piston Pump

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Poetry : If I Had a Pet Cat - Selected in Robin Age

Little cat licking boy's face - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics & Vector  Art

Recently I had written a poetry on topic 

"If I Had a Pet Cat"

My article has been selected in RobinAge and posted on their website

If I had a pet cat, 
It would chase the nearest rat.
It likes the colour of green, 
But he is also very mean.
If he would walk around,
He could never be found. 
He would only eat his food, 
When he is in good mood. 
If I had a pet cat, 
It would catch the nearest rat. 
It would make people scream, 
Which would make people drop ice cream.

Recognition from NPS Whitefield

Recognition from NPS Whitefield